Three (3) undergraduate programs of the Cotabato State University are subjected to survey visits by the Accrediting Agency of Chartered Colleges and Universities in the Philippines (AACCUP), Inc., from November 8 to 12, 2021.
These programs are Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering, which is up for the first survey. The Bachelor of Arts in Peace and Development and Bachelor of Physical Education is for preliminary surveys.
Five (5) accreditors from various State Universities and Colleges in the Philippines were gladly acknowledged by the University President, Prof. Dr. Sema G. Dilna, during the virtual opening program early this morning. Prof. Dr. Dilna emphasized the relevance of having the programs subjected to accreditation in his inspirational message. All programs have received certificates of program compliance from the Commission on Higher Education Region 12. He further stressed that this year's visit was the first attempt after converting the institution from college to university.
The AACCUP Accreditation Team Leader, Dr. Arriane Michelle F. Fabro of Don Mariano Marcos Memorial State University, introduced her team members and their program assignments. Prof. Brent C. Begay of Apayao State College, Prof. Wilma L. Kutz of Don Mariano Marcos Memorial State University, and Dr. Fabro are assigned for the Bachelor of Science in Engineering. At the same time, Dr. Armando A. Alviola of Northwest Samar State University and Dr. Rodyard B. Madiclum of Capiz State University is in-charge of Bachelor of Arts in Peace and Development and Bachelor of Physical Education, respectively.
During the welcome remarks, Dr. Teng A. Alim, the Vice President for Academic Affairs, assured the readiness of the three programs considering their preparations for the accreditation. Likewise, Dr. Arbaya Haron-Boquia, the Director for Research, presented the local accreditors and their assigned areas, namely: Dr. Jaimelyn L. Ututalum for Area I: Vision, Mission, and Goals; Dr. Analiza S. Macacua for Area II: Faculty; Prof. Dr. Saidamin P. Bagolong for Area III: Curriculum and Instructions; Dr. Kundo M. Pahm, Jr. and Dr. Noraini B. Mabang for Area IV: Support to Students; Dr. Arbaya Haron-Boquia for Area V: Research; Dr. Samsia A. Ibrahim for Area VI: Extension and Community Involvement; Baidido S. Abubakar for Area VII: Library; Edgar A. Boquia for Area VIII: Physical Plant and Facilities; Engr. Elena O. Biado for Area IX: Laboratories; and Dr. Tarhata S. Guiamalon for Area X: Administration.
On the other hand, Dr. Kundo M. Pahm, Jr., the Director of Quality Assurance Management, introduced the Team Leaders of the local counterparts of the three (3) undergraduate programs, namely: Dr. Engr. Alma S. Kato, Dean of the College of Engineering, Technology and Computing; Dr. Juwairiya U. Lingga, Dean of College of Arts and Sciences; and Prof. Dr. Maripaz C. Abas, Dean of Teacher Education. Also, the Deans introduced their Local Accreditation Task Force.
The Director of the Management Information System, Amerhusein S. Amad, and his team, Zhahara A. Adam, Alshuaib N. Ali, and Alfrasier Asaili, oriented the accreditors on how to use google drive. The program ended with the photo opportunity of all participants. //Saidamin P. Bagolong, DPA