The CSU LUDIP Technical Working Group (TWG) led by Dr. Tarhata S. Guiamalon, Graduate School Dean, Dr. Abonawas Pendaliday, VP for Administration and Finance, Engr. Elias Susa, Director of Planning office, Dr. Nick Aduaba, CSU Accountant, Dr. Nasrodin Buisan, Agri. Business Program Head, Delsa Culanggo, Budget Officer and Norkaina Samama, the Social Work Program Head conducted a benchmarking activity at the Central Mindanao University (CMU) last December 9, 2021, with the objective to learn from their compliance with Republic Act No. 11396, also known as the SUCs Land Use Development Plan. Dr. Jupiter V. Casas, Director of the University Research office and CMU’s team leader of the project “;Capacitating Philippine State Universities and Colleges in Sustainable Land Use Development and Infrastructure Planning," discuss his team’s experiences in the approval of CMU’s LUDIP and gave professional assistance to the CSU team. // Dr. Tarhata Piang Solaiman

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