Relevant to the issuance of the Republic Act No. 11396 also known as the Land Use Development and Infrastructure Plan (LUDIP) requiring all State Universities and Colleges (SUC) to prepare and implement development blueprint for the maximum utilization of all the current land resources of the SUCs, the Cotabato State University (CSU) conducted the two-day Basic Geographic Information System Training and Coaching. This workshop was held on December 15-16, 2021 at the Computer Laboratory, Dr. Payakan G. Tilendo Building, CSU Campus. Furthermore, Engr. Al-Wahab Harun, Geographic Information System (GIS) Consultant, shared his expertise on the basic concepts, utilization and operation of the GIS. On the other hand, Dr. Tarhata S. Guiamalon, Chairman of the CSU-LUDIP Technical Working Group, reiterated the significance of this workshop in preparation of the CSU-LUDIP to be submitted on December 21, 2021 at the Commission on Higher Education.